4.7 Overall Satisfaction Rating based on over 10,000 Ratings from our customers.

4.7 Rating based on over
10,000 customer reviews.

Granada Cathedral San Cristobal, Spain

Granada Cathedral San Cristobal, Spain

Virgen San Cristobal

Virgen San Cristobal

San Cristobal

San Cristobal

Santiago Cerro San Cristobal

Santiago Cerro San Cristobal

San Cristobal Cathedral

San Cristobal Cathedral

Discover Amazing Galapagos Sights from San Cristobal 

Starting in San Cristobal, embark on one-of-a-kind adventures around the Galapagos. This remote oasis boasts the island chain's only freshwater lagoon, but of course there are plenty of striking beaches, too. If you prefer more action by the sea, you're in luck because San Cristobal is also home to spectacular sites for scuba diving, snorkeling, and surfing.

Expect endless natural wonders in San Cristobal. It's one of the few islands in the archipelago with coffee plantations and colonial architecture. For some entertaining education, be sure to visit the Galapagos National Park Interpretation Center. Don't miss the many breathtaking walking trails around the island. You just might even run into some rare frigate birds or some sea lions, so keep your camera ready at all times.

  • Destination Port 1 Airport
  • Destination port 2 Departure port

Hotel In San Cristobal

Blue Marlin Hotel Hotel Image
Blue Marlin Hotel

Hotel Miconia Hotel Image
Hotel Miconia

Galapagos Sunset Hotel Hotel Image
Galapagos Sunset Hotel

Casa de Huespedes "Darling" Hotel Image
Casa de Huespedes "Darling"

Flights To San Cristobal

Cruise Lines Sep 24 Oct 24 Nov 24 Dec 24 Jan 25 Feb 25 Mar 25 Apr 25 May 25 Jun 25 Jul 25 Aug 25

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