4.9 Overall Satisfaction Rating based on over 10,000 Ratings from our customers.

4.9 Rating based on over
10,000 customer reviews.

Satya Dharma Temple

Satya Dharma Temple

Byodo-In Temple

Byodo-In Temple

Fushimi Inari-taisha

Fushimi Inari-taisha

Satya Dharma Temple

Satya Dharma Temple

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City

Fushimi Inari-taisha

Fushimi Inari-taisha

Cameron Highlands District

Cameron Highlands District

Mariamman Temple, Bangkok

Mariamman Temple, Bangkok

Okinawa Manza-mou Cliff

Okinawa Manza-mou Cliff

Pudong Skyline

Pudong Skyline

Besakih Mother Temple

Besakih Mother Temple

Masjid Sultan

Masjid Sultan

National Costumes of Japan

National Costumes of Japan

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

Great Wall of China, China

Great Wall of China, China

Uncover the Secrets of the Orient and Far East

If you’ve ever wanted to see the Orient, or Far East for yourself, it’s a great time to go. A cruise is the most affordable way to discover the Far East, since your accommodations, inter-port transportation, and meals are included in one low price.

A cruise is also an extraordinarily easy way to experience Orient and Far East destinations, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea. You’ll only have to unpack once, then sit back and relax as your ship delivers you to amazing ports. Some Orient cruises may also stop in the Arabian Peninsula, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India.

You’ll find thrilling Orient and Far East cruises offered by the world’s top fleets, such as Princess, Cunard, Crystal, Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, and Holland America.

  • Destination Port 1 Departure Port
  • Destination port 2 Port of Call

Monthly Weather Averages

The graph that represents the temperature in fahrenheit
month graph
The graph that represents the precipitation rate forecast in inches
  • Temperature in Fahrenheit
  • Rain in Inches

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